April 7, 2008

I knew him well.

I killed my fish. It was, of course, inadvertent. Evidently I subjected him to temperature shock. Poor Almond. As Christy reminded me, at least David gave a nice speech. It was a good eulogy. I must focus on the good times we had. Everyone liked his name. Poor little Almond. Mealtimes will be bereft of his warm (OBVIOUSLY not literally) companionship. It is so tragic!! Poor little Almond. I think I said that already.

And I had to drink a bunch of sugar water for a psychology lab, so my stomach feels strange. Alas.

April 6, 2008


So it seems that this quarter is not going to be as easy as I had anticipated, as evidenced in part by this post (procrastination from homework). I'm still rather stressed about my senior project - which is still up in the air. But I know that the Lord has it under control.

Also, I am currently suffering from a cold, which has made the weekend rather unproductive. However, I did lay in the sun and read homework/a weird novel for four hours yesterday. And dozed. I am now slightly tan. I had forgotten what that looked like.

Forgive the incipient nature of this post. I am still rather slow and groggy from my cold. We had an encouraging word at church this morning. I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep all I've committed to Him until that day.
