October 2, 2011

Regarding my socially unexpected absence from Facebook

Although it has only been four months since I officially took the plunge of deactivating my Facebook account, I have now completed nine and a half months of Facebook abstinence. Nine and a half months! Gee, I could have become pregnant and given birth in this time, which is probably why nine months always seems such an important anniversary to me. It seems an appropriate gestation period for people to transition to accommodate a birth. 

So, what has been growing these months without Facebook? Well, I feel that my relationships are stronger. I may not be updated on all of my acquaintances, but the people who wanted to maintain a relationship have made the effort. My time previously spent scouring hundreds of pictures and statuses has been shifted to worthier pursuits: resting, exercising, blogging, visiting. Finally, it has helped me to live more in the present by eliminating what was essentially the photojournal from the past five years. 

Let me be clear that I do not think Facebook is morally reprehensible or intellectually degenerate. On the contrary, I think it is a great tool for keeping in contact with people and sharing pictures. For me, it became more of a distraction than a tool, and I am grateful for the freedom born from my time away. 

1 comment:

Mommy of KraftyGang kids said...

I always enjoy taking FB breaks, it can be time consuming and I'm thankful that I can limit it :) Hope you keep up with us on our blog :)