October 7, 2011

My middle class life

"Folded Hands, Brunei" via National Geographic Photo of the Day

This beautiful picture reminded me once again of how incredibly wealthy I am.  It takes mental exercise to have a proper perspective when advertisements are always pounding into our heads that we "need" and "deserve" this and that. Are teeth whitening gum or perfume or a new car really human rights? Consider this: you know you're among the world's financial elite when self-discipline is the struggle rather than earning enough money for food, clothes, and shelter. Sometimes when I cave and gobble the desserts at my office or get invited to one too many social events requiring the wallet, I am reminded that most of the world does not share my "problems" of excessive sugar intake and recreation. Historically, kings and queens did not even enjoy the quality of life standard to the American middle-class today!

This used to bother me. Why me? Why the people surrounding me? Why isn't everyone equal, if not in money, then in life circumstances? Although a version of "survivor's guilt" still strikes now and again, I've mostly moved on from being stricken by the disparate distribution of resources in the world. For me, the questions have become: Am I using MY resources wisely? Am I more prone to generosity than to hoarding? Am I too dependent on my belongings and purchasing power for happiness? Do I make financial sacrifices for others rather than giving only out of my excess? Finally, are there easy changes I can make in my purchasing decisions to promote justice for those who, unlike me, toil harshly for their living? Small changes in response to these questions have given me greater peace and purpose.

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