August 12, 2010

Eradication of Guinea Worms

In addition to sharing what God is teaching me, I also plan to start sharing more on this blog about international relief and development topics. A few months ago I read an incredible book called Half the Sky about gender inequality worldwide. It is not a man-bashing book! Rather, it discusses the humanitarian crisis of devaluing women and the forms that takes (human trafficking, lack of education, gender based violence, etc.). The book covered many topics on international relief and development with which I was unfamiliar. Again, I highly recommend it. The authors have a different faith and political perspective than I do, but they are well researched and well traveled and document their sources in extensive footnotes. The authors are actually the first couple to win a Pulitzer for their work, an earlier collaboration about China. Anyway, here is an article written by Nicholas Kristof about the eradication of guinea worms. It's nice to have some good news!

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