August 12, 2010

charity:water and Postscript

charity:water is one of my favorite charities. It has a great story that you should hear/read. Though the organization itself is not explicitly Christian, the founder is motivated by his love for God and love for people.

I used to think that I would marry someone already deeply embroiled in this kind of work and that we would do ministry together. Some of that was a Godly desire to share a life calling devoted to serving "the least of these." Some of it was a foolish desire to fabricate my life path. Honestly, I really do respect and am impressed by people who have devoted their careers to service of the suffering. Yet, as I have drawn closer to the Lord, He has reminded me that the reason I am unusually impressed by these relief and development people is because of their tremendous heart for God and how they have allowed God to use them. It's not because of what they have accomplished or sacrificed. Other people have sacrificed just as much for other causes. Suffering of souls is universal. In the end, the most important and impressive thing anyone can do is give their life wholeheartedly to Christ and pursue Christ. It doesn't matter whether you end up as a dentist, an evangelist, a missionary, a painter, or a nonprofit CEO. It doesn't matter whether you spend your life discipling twelve people (hello?) or have a ministry that brings clean water to twelve million people. The only thing that matters is that you love God unrestrainedly. He will work everything out.

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