April 22, 2012

Quoteables VIII

After I moved departments, co-worker #14 kindly said she missed my antics and enjoined: "But whatever you do, don’t lose the spunkiness. Stay true to what’s inside you. Keep it risky. … Otherwise you might just fall asleep." 

*I am skeptically flattered to have my behavior described as "risky." Am I really living on the edge? She may or may not have been referring to the classroom motivational posters  anonymously displayed on the walls by my minions or the foam dinosaur stickers hidden inside people's phone receivers. Or maybe it was the flyer inviting everyone to a party at an unsuspecting host's home? Rearranging color coded push pins? Come to think of it, I'm not sure I'm risky so much as being my neighbor is risky...

One of my chronically sleep-deprived co-workers occasionally displays some irritation when interfacing with, well, other humans. This led me to exclaim:
"I don't like it when he's in a grumpy mood! It makes me feel like I've done something wrong even if I haven't talked to him in a week! But then I get irate and think, 'I haven't done anything wrong!' So what's his grumpiness to me?" (Emphatic gesture of dismissal)
Co-worker 23 shook her head: "Your mind is a funny place."


After I requested a peach, mango, strawberry, and coconut smoothie with no added fruit juice, sherbet, or yogurt, the woman at the counter gave me a dubious glance and informed that they would have to add water. No problem. Seven minutes later, her cohort announced my order.

Smoothie man: “A … water … smoothie?”
Me: “That’s probably mine.”
Man, laughing: “I didn’t know what to call it!”
Me (thinking, this is snooty Westlake Village, surely I’m not the only person to ever request an all fruit smoothie): “Well, hopefully it’s mostly fruit.”
Man with a warning shake of the head: “Well, all the fruit is definitely in there, but it’s not going to be sweet.”
Me, internally incredulous: “I’m sure it’s going to taste fine!”
Man, warning again with a concerned shrug: “Well, it will taste like other smoothies, but it’s not going to be sweet at all.”

Either that man has diabolical sense of humor or he has never eaten a peach.


Anonymous said...

seriously? Weird people. I asked for something similar at Blenders --"Just fruit then?"
"O.k. would you like me to add a little extra banana so it will be sweeter?"
"uh, sure."
They want to sweeten us up Little Katie.

Anonymous said...

oh, and as for being risky--PEOPLE! My friends and I went to the beach after a church service, late at night, and Taylor and I went wadding in the water and did cartwheels in the sand...we arrive back at the huddle of cold people (why did the choose the beach then to hang out?!) and they all exclaim, "oh you two are so adventurous! Risky! Crazy people. I wish I could be like you..." WHAT?! That's normal people--you're at the beach for heaven's sake. Where's my yurt....is that risky?