April 3, 2012

Yet Another Spiritual Lesson

Ever since two of my dear friends procreated, I've enjoyed snickering at the antics of their offspring. Quite often his demands, curiosity, smiles, and pterodactyl screams remind me of how we relate to God. Oh, the spiritual analogies abound! At fourteen months and puttering about, we have a whole new set. Latest shared from his mom:

"Another spiritual lesson: C refuses to eat breakfast. I know he is still hungry, but I let him down. He goes to the trash can and pulls out food. Really?"

I guess if you have a kid, so much spiritual profundity is swirling about that you could even take a break from Clive Staples (aka C.S. Lewis). Just don't neglect breakfast.

1 comment:

Car and Drew said...

Today Cal put his smelly, bear blanket over his head and started walking around blinding. Apparently it is fun to walk into things at full speed, fall down, and hit your head. I hope it is not a reflection of a lack in intelligence, but he keeps repeating the behavior with the same result.