April 25, 2012

Hershey made it to the party!

I've ranted previously about Hershey brand's lack of follow-through on their pledge to stop purchasing cocoa beans harvested with child labor. Hershey controls the majority of the market on cocoa beans in the United States and is a major supplier to smaller companies. Today I am belatedly bringing you good news that in January 2012 Hershey pledged to produce a line of fair-trade certified chocolate called "Bliss." Now, this is a little bit like Starbucks waving off activists' cries by pointing to their single fair-trade blend "Estima." However, it is--finally--a positive step. Maybe someday Peppermint Patties will be part of my palate again! More importantly, maybe a few less Ghanaian boys will have scars on their backs so that we can buy ourselves cheap chocolate bars on bad hair days.

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