November 12, 2010

Simple, Suffering, Sin, Separated, Siblings, Song

Hello dear friends.

So much on my mind today, as every day. There are few settings in which I can manage to empty my mind, particularly these days. Here are some thoughts from today:

To paraphrase Renee, the inspiration for To Write Love on Her Arms, just because something is simple does not mean that it is easy. Love God and love people. Simple, yes? Trust God and choose truth over lies. Another simple pairing.

While at data entry listened to a lyric from MercyMe that said, "Why write the script with so much heartache and pain? Could there not have been an easier way?" Gosh, I think this often when I hear people's stories. I know that suffering is meant to draw people to God, to sanctify. It is also an inevitable consequence of our depravity. Consider how much Christ had to suffer on our behalf. Still, even though I marvel at God's grace in keeping people safe (for example, with the way people drive, there should be many more car accidents), I ask Him why He does not do more. Yes, I know He sent His Son to save the world, but couldn't He put force fields around children, for example?

So when I heard this lyric, my mind started going down this old train of thought: life is full of pain! Even with free will, why does God allow the innocent to suffer to such a great extent? And a soft voice reminded me that sin is sin. Every time I chose my way over God's, the world is not as it should be. I cause pain. Sometimes innocent people suffer. Being rude to my mother is a far cry from chopping off people's limbs or molesting a child. Yet, it is the same root of selfishness and pride claiming that what I want is more important than what God wants. Gosh. I still want God to intervene and stop humanitarian tragedies, but this was another reminder that my role is not to save the world. It is to choose God.

Also during data entry (which weirdly enough tends to be an emotional time), I listened to some sermons on 1 Thessalonians by Alistair Beggs that Aimee lent me. He talked about Paul's longing to visit the church in Thessalonica. After lack of word from the church, Paul sacrificed the presence of Timothy in Athens
"when we could no longer endure it"and sent Timothy to find out how they were doing. According to Alistair Beggs (one just has to have the pleasure of saying his whole name), "It's one thing to be separated by your loved ones by a vast distance and over a period of time so long as there is information filtering in. But when you're a long way away for a long period of time getting no news at all, you will be filled--if there is any love relationship there--with simply an intense longing. ... Separated from those who we love by distance and by time, lacking in immediate news, the only right response is unbearable suspense." Gee, it was kind of him to validate my experience, but couldn't he have recommended a cure other than sending Timothy?

Of all my siblings, I think I am the most even blend of our parents. (We may have more insight as Jeremy matures.) Isn't this interesting, as I am the oldest? Should my parents have not had anymore children, they still would have had a pretty good idea of a mini Jamey + Lynne. One of the cool things about having five million children would be to see all the variations.

This is a fun song I listened to today, though it gets annoying after awhile. You have my permission to skip to 3.43 for the good part.

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