Epiphany moment: I've decided to change all my passwords since I've heard you're supposed to do that every few years. Since I type them so often, I was contemplating things that would be good for me to remember often. During this season, God has told me that I am supposed to be learning how to be loved. This was unexpected and almost embarrassing. So I was thinking that perhaps "be loved" would be a good one, and then I realized that if I put it in password form it smushes together to become "beloved." Aaah! Probably everyone else has already figured this out, but all of a sudden I saw this simple demonstration of the relationship between loving and being loved. As in, we love Him because He first loved us. I am God's beloved and am loved regardless of myself. However, how much am I missing out if I am not an active participant, if I am not willing to be loved? Everyone wants to be loved and to be someone's beloved, but God, the origin of love, is the only One who can satisfy is. When we choose to die to ourselves and accept God's love, we are eternally loved and are eternally His beloved.
Good stuff for a Monday night/Tuesday morning. (Why do Bible study leaders always use the phrase "good stuff"?)
My dear dear friend... I love you.
<3 Thanks.
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