July 20, 2011

Self-Inflicted Nastiness

Here is a great (and brief!) article from a counselor's perspective about the destructive nature of sin. I enjoyed it as a simple reminder that the Godly principles laid out in the Bible are more than a set of rules for "good behavior." Rather, they are the guidelines for avoiding self-destruction. Have you noticed that we tend to fixate on external problems (illness, job loss, natural disasters, etc.), but ignore the self-inflicted ones? Sin is scary! Here is an excerpt from the article:

I watch as the world collapses on an adulterous spouse. I see people suffocating in their aloneness after having pushed everyone away. I see poverty and despair encroaching as a result of a person’s belligerent attitudes toward employers. I see addicts who hit bottom, destroy everything in their lives, and then somehow, sink even lower. I see marriages so estranged and trashed that death or divorce seem to be the only way out. Sin is so destructive.

P.S. What do you think of the original acronym: Self-Inflicted Nastiness?

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