June 19, 2011

"A Father's Conversion"

Here is a powerful Father's Day story of a young man who was moved by another father's pain to become resolved to fight child sex trafficking. The unusual element? This young man was already working for an anti-trafficking organization called Love 146. (Francis Chan talks about a similiar "conversion moment" influenced by his fatherhood in his book Forgotten God.) You should read the story through the link, but let me quote the end:

That may all sound dramatic, but it really wasn't.  It really was just a simple moment of resonance with another human being.  I recognized a pain this man was feeling, but it was on a scale I didn't think could exist. And it changed me.  

That is what a movement is about. A movement is about the small conversion moments; those simple points of resonance with our fellow humans, building over time, into something that turns the tide of history.  

For Fathers, Sunday is a good day to find these moments.  And I hope you do.  Because we need your stories next to ours. 

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