August 22, 2008

Philippians 4

It has been quite some time since I have posted, though unfortunately not because I have been keeping busy crashing secret societies or reading classics in intimate coffee shops. (I haven't seen a single coffee shop that isn't a chain in Orange County.) Rather, the tedious work days leave little to report, though I'm never bored outside of work.

Two weekends ago I saw Les Miserables in concert at the Hollywood Bowl with three friends -- Deanna, Andrea, and Kate. My patience was sorely tried by the interminable traffic that doubled my drive time, but it was so lovely to have dinner with my friends and then to hear the concert. I think the music is superb. Though I wanted to throw rotting weeds intact with dirt clumps at whoever decided to give Jan from The Office the role of Fantine, all in all the singers did an excellent job. During the concert we supped on wine, strawberries, and chocolate covered almonds. Also, I was most pleased to be able to see, albeit for a brief amount of time, my friend Richie who works at the Bowl and graciously acquired comp tickets for us all.

Last weekend I went home to hang out with the fam, and my friend Christy drove down from Visalia to spend 32 hours with us. I am generally the one driving hither, thither, and yon to visit my friends, so her visit was especially gratifying. We attempted to get Beth's ears pierced at the mall, but alas, evidently I can't pass for a "legal guardian," so Beth's lobes remain intact. However, on the way out through JC Penney's I noticed that they were having a 75% off on clearance sale, so we had a happy time browsing through the establishment. I am particularly pleased with the blue and white striped scarf that I snagged for $5. It reminds me of aviation and also of sauntering through parks in London when the sun is bright but the air is crisp.

So yes, I am enjoying the little things in life, such as mochi ice cream and analyzing (usually correctly) the new people I meet and watching Friends for the first time (Even though I decided don't really like it, but I was always curious what the fuss was all about. However, I think that Monica and Ross are interesting. The rest of them are rather insipid.) and eating cheese and pretzels with the ducks who reside in the concrete pond of the business building next door. Much like my desperately successful maneuvers to follow my leads in swing dancing, I am learning in whatever state I am in to be content because otherwise I just grimly trip around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katie alas I fear you may have my skills at dancing. I tried dance class in college and was a complete klutz - two left feet going in opposite directions. Hopefully you will get the hang of it with practice. Hope your day is great.
Love ya, Aunt Sally