August 1, 2008

Do you? Do you?

Yesterday I was listening to Les Miserables songs from the Tenth Anniversary concert (thanks, YouTube) in between phone calls at work. My spirited rendition of "Do You Hear the People Sing?" led to an explanation that I am going to the Les Mis concert at the Hollywood Bowl next weekend. This tidbit was projected across the office to Karen, the administrative assistant, who then proclaimed that Jennifer, one of the managers, is also going! Karen is strategically positioned so that both Jennifer and I can hear her, so we met in the open area to enthusiastically congratulate each other on our mutual passion and emminent fix. (As a side note, I really like Jennifer, and not only because we are incredibly similiar in personality and values.) As I trudged back to my desk, I heard Jennifer softly begin the song, though she totally missed my more energetic version earlier.

Quality of life, people.

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