November 21, 2013

What Every Woman Wants

This Wednesday Hope Rising gave a human trafficking awareness and safety presentation to a local high school. I presented on a general description of human trafficking as well as internet safety. Friends, I know more than I ever wanted to know about the ways sexual predators target and lure children. Sadly, there are many more perverted tactics, jargon, and avenues of which I am unaware. The good news is that several hundred more high school students have now been warned that flashing a webcam or sending nude pictures of themselves is more stupid than sexy, given all the ways online predators will exploit the images.

So, what's with the title of this post? Well, in thinking about exploitation, I have also been ruminating on the heart of a woman. Every girl and woman wants to be desired and chosen for herself, to the exclusion of all others, past, present, and future. We want to be beautiful because it is part of being captivating, enchanting, desirable. We want to be special. And while some women use their beauty to manipulate, I am convinced that every woman began with the unspoken cry of "choose me". Sadly, many women are "chosen" for their bodies alone. They are abused and exploited for their flesh--their shell. Some are tricked or trapped into exploitation, but many girls quickly offer up their bodies in the hopes of at least feeling personally desired and chosen. 

People's lives can be crushed in a moment. Injury seems far easier than healing. Perhaps this is why healing is ultimately more powerful. It is stronger. More resilient. Determined. Healing can come through time alone, but more often it comes through relationships with men and women who patiently appreciate and celebrate the uniqueness of a person. People who say: we desire to be your friend. We chose you. Be a part of our lives and our community.

The Bible says that the God of the universe chose to come dwell with helpless, broken people. He was willing to be broken. He is willing to be our provider and healer. When we think about protecting and healing women's hearts, our strongest resource should be the One who crafted who them.

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