March 30, 2013

What's Done is Done

Great news! My friend Kevin Toqe is releasing a new album, "What's Done is Done" in the coming months. Even better news--profits will be shared with Emmy's House, a nonprofit that helps survivors of human trafficking. Kevin composed one of my favorite songs, "Grace." 

Grace Romans 8:1, 38–39
It’s the first thing I think about, love to talk about 
when I think of you. 
And this thing will never shy away or run away 
no matter what I do. 
On the days when my life is more bloodied than clean, 
from the wreckage where I cannot deny 
the blame is on me

But when the world must turn its head away 
because it cannot bear my black and blues. 
You turn your head to me and say 
“You know I love you.”

It’s the last thing expected by one who’s done a crime 
and caused so much pain. 
It’s the sentence You’ve rearranged with a sudden change 
and an unexpected rhyme. 
On the days when I was weeping all the way through the night 
from the fears that stole my sleeping, that told me 
“Your wrongs will never be made right…” 
that’s not true, that’s not right.

Want to be a part of all this goodness? Support Kevin on Indiegogo. You see, he still needs people to pledge $5,000 worth of product purchases before he can release the album. There's no catch; if the money is not raised, you are refunded. As my father says, "The proof is in the pudding", so check out his first two albums on his website: He's on iTunes too!

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