September 4, 2012

Leave to leave?

Okay, friends--I know it's traditional to announce in advance if one plans to take a leave of absence from narrating one's views online. My apologies. However, in my defense, may I state that I did not plan to take a leave of absence? Rather, a doctor's appointment here, a workout there, a night with friends at those fabulous, breath-taking venues we frequent--life intervened with my best intentions. Before I knew it, I had become one of those people that came home and watched a TV show (albeit online) to empty my mind from the events of the day. Horrors! An empty mind? My little gray cells revolted before they became revolting; I shut down and stowed my laptop for a week. (Granted, I stare at one eight hours a day for work, so my eyes have not been deprived of their usual strain.)

Yours truly is finally getting back in the swing of things over here after perhaps the busiest summer of my brief existence. This week also marks an epic musical performance, two bon voyages, and a Summer Spectacular. And with those tantalizing nouns, I depart!

Choose your caption:

A.) A Study in Gray
B.) The Black Stallion's Harem
C.) Ben Hur II: the Chariot Race After-Party
D.) Yet Another Reason We Should All Visit the French Coast

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