August 3, 2011

Multi-strand Cords

Noel Piper has recently written one of the best articles on friendship I have ever read. The potency of such a short piece is astounding. There were several paragraphs that I highlighted to share, but I soon realized I was copying the majority of the article. Please do yourself a favor and read it. 

As an open extrovert, I do not identify with Noel, who was sixty years old before she was "forced to have friends." Yet, the article captures my own experience of the ineffably transforming nature of friendships. Even at my young age, friendships have been a primary factor in shaping my reactions, aspirations, values, self-knowledge, and motivations. My friends have blessed me by sharing their talents, insights, and unique personhoods. I have been truly blessed and will end with particularly thanking Emily, Beth, Carlene, Kate, and Deanna for their patient kindness during a year when I did not have much to give.

“Though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him — 
a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (Proverbs 4:12)

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