February 1, 2011

"with thanksgiving"

We interrupt our internet silence* at the suggestion of RWM to bring you this post of thanksgiving.

I am thankful for circumstances that have been irritating me of late:

  • My mother's relentless inquisitiveness because it means she cares.
  • Gas prices skyrocketing because I have more appreciation for my rambles and make a greater effort to carpool.
  • Living in Fillmore ... I'm still working on a reason for this one. Because it's better than Irvine or Anaheim? Because God put me here? Because of the hills and orange trees? I guess I don't have to have a reason.
  • Living at home because I am learning more about myself. 
  • My family's messiness because sometimes it is good for me not to be in control. 
  • Not having hours at my jobs because the lack does wonders for my overexaggerated sense of self-importance.
  • Not knowing what God is up to in my life (i.e. having no plans) because I have to trust Him more.
  • Knowing that this is not the right time for me to go back to school because every year masters programs in my field of interest are better developed.
  • Being unable to adequately answer "how are you doing?" because the people who care demonstrate this by intuiting my state.
  • Paul's metaphor of running the race because at least we're moving and the goal is worth the effort.
  • And deeper trials because they are changing me for the better. 

*In addition to a "blogging break," I have not even opened Facebook since last year. Yes, over a month--and still counting--of Facebook abstinence! It certainly imparts a sense of empowerment. I may need to try this with entering the Goodwill.

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