October 4, 2009

Wistful Winds

My spirit is more at peace in autumn, though the wind and perfect temperatures also elicit the wistfulness to travel. Sometimes I contemplate the degree to which the external affects my moods and thoughts. Donovan has pointed out how much I enjoy and perhaps need to be comfortable. It's true that I've definitely been spoiled and I'm rather a wimp with pain. Through conversations with friends this weekend, I was exploring why I physically feel better when in San Luis Obispo County or Ventura County as opposed to Orange County. First, I generally prefer the two former, which puts my mind at ease, translating to a physical ease. Second, there is much less stress from traffic. As soon as I get off the 5 and/or the 405, my body is less tense. Third, the air quality is better out of the more populated areas. Fourth, there is more nature visable and accessible in the more rural areas. Some people might say that this is only a psychological effect, and perhaps that is true. Whether there is an inherent biological component to feeling healthier in the prescence of nature or whether it is at first a psychological effect that transfer into a biological reaction is, I feel, in the end a moot point. Wherever I am, I am grateful for Autumn.

Thank you to everyone who remembered me on my birthday. I enjoyed lunch with my grandparents, father, and brother on Friday, followed by a visit from Drew and Carlene for a staycation in Fillmore. Sunday night I was blessed to have various friends descend for a helping of chocolate silk pie and a rousing round of Taboo. I also treasure the many good wishes sent from afar. Thanks!

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