April 11, 2009


Last night Beth won the third level of the Lion's Club speech contest. The refreshments were scrumptious, primarily consisting of bread and cheese platters. A wine bar surprisingly emerged, its presence even more incongruous in the dilapidated, concrete building. Altogether a successful evening. I also completed my first tree climbing of the year; freezing feet cut the event short.

(Just walked home from church after loading chairs for the Easter sunrise service tomorrow.)

Even though I am unemployed, my calender still manages to fill. Over half the boxes have blue scrawl: birthdays, speeches, pub quiz, church, visits to and from, vow renewals, graduations, weddings, etc. Too bad I can't have a career volunteering in the mornings and being a socialite in the afternoons and evenings. It has been a lovely interim, but I do desire an income. (The word "need" will come into play when my parents stop being so patient.) Well, I hear back from at least one organization a week saying they don't have any open positions. Government jobs (for which my resume has me well-suited) are also scarce. I trust that God has a perfect plan.

Have a blessed Easter as we celebrate Christ's victory over death!


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