December 30, 2008


Moving yet again...this is getting to be a hobby. I'm grateful for all the help I've received. This is one of the least arduous moves I have completed. The only catch is that I must condense to one room, which is a project I have long been anticipating. It is a blessing to simplify.

I wish that I had something profound to share, something unusually insightful that has been washing my brain, gently scrubbing the remnants of my gnawed concerns and unnecessary self-obligations. Once upon a time on a rare chilly day in San Diego, I found myself prone on a beach with Brian King and Kevin Dyck. The drizzle of conversation had a momentary lull and Brian preempted Kevin by declaring that, as I was a habitual thinker, I should share whatever I had recently been pondering. It was probably something theological in nature and in the silence that ensued one of them inquired as to my life philosophy, expecting, I believe, a prolonged declaration replete with medieval vocabulary words. Without ever having verbalized it, I knew it was simply, "Love God, love people." Obviously it's not original, but for once I'm pleased with that because I can never improve upon truth. Amen.

That's all I have to say for today. This contemplative mood is not translating well to the written word. My apologies for my feeble attempts. I'm off to nap under my down comforter and then drive to San Clemente to have fondue with the lovely Erica. Praise God for all His blessings. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I DIDN'T KNOW YOU BLOGGED!!!! I like your comments on David's blog.

Good quote... true true. and your thoughts are always translated into words nicely... at least from my point of view. :-)