March 18, 2008

Complaining (Sorry)

Auughhh! I am so sick of my paper! If I never hear about the UN again, it will be too soon. Plus, I just ate a whole bar of Toblerone chocolate in about 7 minutes. Shows how focused I am. And prior to that I ate 1/3 bag of snap peas from Trader Joe's. These two incompatible food groups are now having a duel in the depths of my interior. I think we call that "stress eating."

Almost done! On an ironic note, I accidentally achieved an A in my credit/no credit Math 112 class. It was such a joke. It saddened me that I wasted a credit/no credit. Oops. Should have gone with my instinct, but I figured since I skipped about 1/3 of the classes I should play it safe...evidently not.

Wow, I'm in full stream into complaining mode about inconsequential things. I'm leaving now.


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