November 20, 2007

Let us return to Murad

Currently reading: Turkish Gambit by Boris Akunin (originally published in Russia). It's an adventure/detective story.

"However, let us return to Murad. He was a handsome youth, by no means stupid and actually extremely well read, although he had a tendency to drink to excess and suffered from an entirely justified persecution mania."

Highlights of today:
My delightful, artsy professor (who is unfortunately - or fortunately - married, thus preventing my being in love with him) said that he is an ardent feminist. (Okay, ardent was my word, but that was the gist of it.)

Thanksgiving dinner with the roomies. Actually, this is an anticipatory highlight. I am avoiding our tiny kitchen for the next two hours, as I have already made my contribution. Thus, I am reading and blogging and avoiding looking up info on London NGOs because that constitutes research, which I generally abhor.

And don't worry, I seriously doubt that I will be posting with this frequency in the future. :)

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