June 24, 2010

Five weeks left!

Struggles of a Type-A

Projects, plan, rest, socialize, clean, projects. Definitely a Type-A personality marching about over here in Anaheim. Actually, I have cut down on a few of my activities but continue to harbor the aspirations of an overachiever. Yet, I'm beginning to wonder who defines "over." Is it the "unders"? Is it simply those who notice you are stressed? If so, I think I would be more stressed NOT trying to accomplish, check off, achieve, plan, etc. People naturally do what makes them feel good. We're not naturally unselfish, good people. The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked. Who can know it? (Jeremiah something or the other) The goal is to conform your desires to God's desires, and then you can do what makes you feel good all day long! Some people refer to this as Christian hedonism.

1 “Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk Without money and without cost. 2 “Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And delight yourself in abundance. Isaiah 55:1-2

One of the things that makes me feel good is "getting things done." Yes, I tire myself out, but I LIKE being productive. The most important thing is to ask the Lord what HE wants. Obviously, I tend to overdo it and not spend enough time in rest and in the Lord's presence. At times, God requires and commends action, and I think that many people are going to be surprised one day when they sit in His prescence and He reveals that He was not pleased with their passivity. Again, the most important thing is ... whatever God wants. I must keep reminding myself to put first things first. Blessings.

June 17, 2010


6 smoothies from Jamba Juice for $5.00!

Ran (not literally) into one of my temp workers from the Operation Christmas Child warehouse underneath the 91 freeway.

Watched the second DVD of the Sozo Training Pt. 1 with Donovan.

Ate homemade (aka Donovan-made) coconut rice with mangos.

Also consumed a whole fistful of M&Ms.

Dropped my free yet stained skirt from Anthropologie off at the dry cleaners and felt quite sophisticated.

Only found ads in my mailbox.

Discovered that the parking pass I requested for Tuesday was actually dated for Wednesday and thus I did not have to obtain a new one.

Was relieved I did not get towed on Tuesday.

Was incredibly impressed that Richie was cooking his sister's favorite childhood dish for her. Am thinking of signing Jeremy up for lessons.

Applied for a job in Pacoima, California.

Did not want the day to end.